Rhodes Quality
Chickpea and Corn Salad Cups Crunchy colourful salad, perfect for little fingers...
Mexican Rice Casserole One pot wonder that will feed a crowd, spicy and delicious. ...
Curried Chickpea & Corn salad Crunchy, fresh and fast braai salad...
Baked Corn Soufflé Light and fluffy savoury soufflés. Serve with a salad as a main or as a side dish....
Sausage and Baked Bean Breakfast Casserole To save time, this casserole is prepared the night before and baked off for breakfast the next morning. ...
Corn and Bean salad with Chakalaka dressing Layering your work salad in jars is the best way to keep all your ingredients fresh and crunchy for lunchtime....
Honey Roasted Chickpea & Corn Salad Crunchy fresh salad for lunch or as a side to grilled meats and chicken....
Chicken, Corn and Black Bean Chowder Let dinner cook itself while you are out of the house. Filling and flavoursome slow cooker soup....
Spinach and Corn Toasties A fresh vegetarian alternative to your usual toastie, a comforting winter lunch....
Corn and Mixed Vegetable Casserole Simple warm and comforting side dish for your winter braai....
Savoury Corn Pudding Creamy and delicious corn bake, a great side for a braai. ...
Crispy Chicken with Corn Salad Kids always love crispy chicken and paired with a crunchy salad makes a tasty, summery lunch....
Chicken Pitas with Gherkin Salad Spicy chicken pitas, great for summer alfresco dining...
Courgette & Corn Fritters Crisp and delicious side dish for a braai or an easy appetiser...
Green Bean & Corn Casserole with Crispy Air Fryer Onions Creamy green bean and whole kernel corn bake, topped with crunchy onions, a delicious side dish. ...
Pear and Corn Waldorf Salad Crunchy twist on a classic salad, a perfect salad for cooler weather....
Summer Rolls with Peanut Sauce Crunchy fresh pineapple and vegetable rolls for when it's simply too hot to cook....
Baby Marrow, Corn and Beetroot Salad Colourful and crunchy salad. Travels well for the office....
Char Grilled Potato Salad with Sour Cream & Corn Dip Prepare this potato salad on the braai and serve hot with the delicious corn dip....
Corn Nachos Simple recipe, prepared minutes. Serve as an appetiser for outdoor dining or as a light main meal....
Beef and Vegetable Soup Let the slow cooker do all the work on this delicious soup and enjoy....
Crunchy Mixed Bean Salad Easy, no-cook salad: Fast and fresh....
Potato, Corn and Bacon Salad No mayo potato salad, great braai side dish...
Chickpea and Corn Muffins Protein-filled snack or tea time treat...
Tuna, Corn and Potato Pie Hearty and economical make ahead dinner....
Black Bean & Cheddar Cheese Quesadillas A quick and easy lunch which is both healthy and delicious....
Grilled Pineapple, Tomato and Corn Salad Nothing complements a braai spread like this mouth-watering, zesty and fresh salad. This recipe will be a sure hit at an...
Black Bean & Corn Power Bowl Packed full of colour and fresh flavour, Power Bowls are a filling, nutritious and quick to prepare....
Cheese & Corn Puffs Light and cheesy corn puffs, delicious when served hot or cold....
Chicken Enchiladas Spicy casual dinner prepared in minutes....
Mexican Tortilla Soup This soup has spice, heat and crunch. This Mexican dish is a firm winter favourite....
Avocado & Tuna Pasta Salad Fresh and fast, this colourful crunchy Avocado & Tuna pasta salad is a meal on its own....
Potato & Sausage Casserole Spend less time in the kitchen with this easy and delicious one-pot casserole bake....
Biltong Potjie This quick biltong and pasta potjie can be served on its own with a salad, or as a side dish when feeding a crowd....
Cajun Chicken Salad with Brown Rice & Black Beans This simple, tasty brown rice salad travels well, making it perfect for picnics and as a braai side dish. The even bette...
Egg Pasta Salad with Curry-Mayo Dressing A picnic-perfect egg pasta salad with a mild curry-mayo dressing....
Mashed Potato Casserole with Bacon, Corn & Cheese Fluffy mashed potato is a much-loved side dish as it is, but add in corn, bacon and cheese, and it's even more of a winn...
Cheddar, Corn & Biltong Quiche Enjoy it hot or cold, at lunch or brunch, or as a light dinner. This biltong quiche is a must-make winner....
Easy Corn & Cheddar Cheese Scones Fresh-from-the-oven corn and cheese scones are perfect for breakfast or tea....
Easy Corn Guacamole Fresh guacamole is delicious with nachos, meat or even just crackers....
Creamy Coleslaw A crunchy and colourful braai salad....
Corn & Tuna Wraps A light and fuss free lunch....
Bacon & Corn Quiche A well-made quiche is always in fashion....
Corn Fritters with Tomato Jam Corn fritters are great for a weekend brunch....
Nacho Corn Dip Easy Mexican-style crunchy corn dip recipe....
Creamy Corn Soup Comforting winter soup prepared in less than 30 minutes....
Chicken & Vegetable Stew This hearty one-pot meal is a winter winner....
Chicken & Corn Noodle Soup This flu-fighting soup recipe is wonderfully economical and simple enough to prepare....
Spicy Pap Bake You don't need many ingredients to make this cheesy-spicy braai-winner dish....

Whole Kernel Corn in Brine

Quality vegetables rich in flavour.


At Rhodes Quality we love adding great taste to your life. That’s why we use quality vegetables that are rich in flavour. Our entire range of canned vegetables also comes with easy-open lids and can be stored in the cupboard, because we like keeping things easy for you.
Be spoiled for choice with corn, chakalaka, mixed veg, peas, spaghetti in tomato sauce and so much more!

whole kernel corn in brine

Typical Nutritional Information (As Packed)
Average Values Per 100 g Per 125 ml Serving
Energy (kJ) 270 232
Protein (g) 2.9 2.5
Glycaemic Carbohydrates (g) 12 10
of which total sugar (g) 1.9 1.6
Total fat (g) 1.6 1.4
of which saturated fatty acids (g) 0.4 0.3
*Dietary fibre (g) 3.6 3.1
Sodium (mg) 224 193
*Ready to eat product analysed using AOAC 991.43 method

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