Rhodes Quality
Cheesy Butter Bean Bites These wholesome and hearty fritters are easy to make and taste delicious!...
Bean & Beetroot Salad Nutritious salad for learning minds....
Mediterranean Style Two-Bean Bake Flavourful side dish, perfect to add to a braai table...
Butterbean & Chickpea Salad with Herb Dressing Filling enough to serve on its own or as a side dish, this green salad is crunchy and full of flavour....
Bean, Beetroot & Gherkin Salad Fast and very simple, a lovely tangy salad for a braai...
Corn and Bean salad with Chakalaka dressing Layering your work salad in jars is the best way to keep all your ingredients fresh and crunchy for lunchtime....
Tomato & Butter Bean Soup Quick & Easy creamy vegetarian soup with crisp mozzarella bruschetta. Ingredients 30 ml (2 Tbsp) sunflower oil 1 oni...
Avocado, Egg & Spicy Bean Breakfast Muffin Breakfast sandwich to give a spicy start to the day....
Butter Bean & Bacon Bruschetta Delicious appetiser, easy to prepare and full of flavour ...
Beetroot, Potato & Bean Salad with Anchovy Dressing Try this different fresh potato salad at your next braai, full of flavour and colour. ...
Winter Broccoli & Bean Salad Deliciously warm and crunchy salad, perfect for winter braais or office lunches. ...
Homemade Potato Rosti, Bacon and Chakalaka A delicious breakfast, brunch or even lunch idea....
Kuhle’s Easy Braai Bean Salad An elevated Braai Bean Salad shared by Kuhle Adams. Perfect for those speical occasions....
Beef and Vegetable Soup Let the slow cooker do all the work on this delicious soup and enjoy....
Pickled Fish Paté Use our fragrant Cape Malay Style Pickled Fish as a base to transform a few ingredients into a delicious appetiser sprea...
Rhodes Quality Trio of Bean Bruschettas Fresh and fast summer bruschetta for al fresco dining....
Chakalaka Pork Stew Fast, simple and frugal family dinner....
Five Bean Salad Fresh and fast bean salad, perfect for camping or a summer braai Ingredients 1 x 400 g can Rhodes Quality Three Bean Mix...
Grilled Cabbage Wedge Salad Try this fast grilled cabbage salad at your next braai, fresh and delicious....
Chakalaka, Cabbage and White Bean Soup Economical and nutritious soup prepared in under 30 minutes....
Butter Bean and Asparagus Galette A galette is a round, flat free form tart. This savoury version is a vegetarian delight....
Butter bean and Avocado Wraps Light but filling and nutritious lunch wraps perfect for on the go....
Butter Bean & Barley Salad Tasty and delicious barley salad. Travels well, so great for office lunches or picnics....
Vegetarian Cottage Pie Economical and simple to prepare....
Hake & Butter Bean Fish Cakes Fresh and simple to prepare fishcakes which make a wonderful appetiser, or even a meal on their own....
Chickpea, Beetroot & Bean Salad Fresh and fast, this summer salad is great for picnics and braais. Serve as a delicious meal on its own, or use it to fi...
Pear, Butterbean, Walnut and Rocket Salad Delicious and easy, this salad is wonderful as a vegetarian main, or the perfect side to accompany any braai this summer...
Butter Bean Shakshuka We have added butter beans to this popular Middle Eastern dish to create a hearty bean breakfast dish. Simple to prepare...
Three Bean Chakalaka Salad Prepare this tangy South African salad in minutes....
Broccoli & Butter Bean Salad Crisp and crunchy, this green broccoli salad with a peanut dressing is the perfect summer-friendly dish....
Gourmet Butter Bean & Avocado Sandwich A gourmet-style sandwich that's rich in protein and easy to make....
Tuna & White Bean Salad _Fresh and light, the perfect summer picnic salad....
Butter Bean Hummus This creamy hummus dip with garlic and basil pesto makes an impressive starter....
Minestrone Soup Packed full of vegetables and pasta, this Italian soup is a meal all on its own....
Baked Bean Salad This barbeque style baked beans salad is great with a braai....
Chickpeas & Butter Bean Salad in a Jar A simple and easy to prepare chickpea and butter bean salad that is filling and nutritious....
Courgette, Feta & Butter Bean Salad A crisp and light green salad to accompany a braai or a main dish....
Spiced Butter Bean Dip Eat this smooth spicy dip with flatbreads, or spread it on sandwiches instead of butter....
Vegetarian Nachos Casual and spicy Ð itÕs a great meal to share....
Spicy Sausage & Butter Bean Pasta A pasta dinner that's light on time and light on the budget....
Lamb & Butter Bean Curry Robust and filling, this meat, rice and potatoes dish is perfect for dads....
Three Bean Bake A variation on the three bean salad, this recipe is heart-warming and delicious on a chilly day....
Three Bean Salad This salad uses a cooked dressing, which means it can be stored in the fridge for up to a week....
Spicy Sausage Casserole with Vegetables Turn leftovers into a winning dish....

Butter Beans in Brine

Delicious and available with a convenient easy-open lid.


Rhodes Quality has exceptional canned bean options to suit every meal occasion. From hearty winter stews to light summer salads for everyday and special celebrations, we offer a wide range of quality beans for you to enjoy. Choose your favourites from baked beans, black beans, butter beans, chickpeas, three bean mix and more. All delicious and available with convenient easy-open lids.

Butter Beans in Brine

Typical Nutritional Information (As Packed)
Average Values Per 100 g Per 250 ml Serving
Energy (kJ) 210 382
Protein (g) 3.4 6.2
Glycaemic Carbohydrates (g) 9 16
of which total sugar (g) 3.2 5.8
Total fat (g) 0.2 0.4
of which saturated fatty acids (g) <0.1 <0.2
*Dietary fibre (g) 4.2 7.6
Sodium (mg) 218 397
*Ready to eat product analysed using AOAC 985.29 method

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