Rhodes Quality
Corn Sriracha Macaroni and Cheese Triple cheese macaroni with spicy corn, a simple and easy weekday dinner. ...
Potato and Sweetcorn Bake Creamy sweetcorn and potato bake, perfect side dish for a braai....
Chicken, Corn and Black Bean Chowder Let dinner cook itself while you are out of the house. Filling and flavoursome slow cooker soup....
Savoury Corn Pudding Creamy and delicious corn bake, a great side for a braai. ...
Chicken, Leek & Sweetcorn Hand Pies A home comfort chicken pie, creamy filling. ...
Hot Dog Muffins We have taken our delicious sweetcorn braai bread, added our favourite hot dog sausages and created a delicious lunchbox...
Amagwinya with Sweetcorn and Cheese Deep-fried yeasty dough balls also known as vetkoek or fat cakes, a popular snack with a creamy sweetcorn filling....
5-Ingredient Mielietart If you’ve been searching for a simple mid-week treat that’s definitely Rooted in Goodness, you’ve found it!...
Sweetcorn Baked Cauliflower Baked Cauliflower with creamy sweetcorn sauce. A simple to prepare side dish, delicious with roasts or a braai....
Sweetcorn & Crab Cake Puffs They sound fancy, but they're really easy to make. Spoil your guests with these exotic sweetcorn and crab cake puffs - t...
South African-Style Corn Dogs We've given corn dogs a South African twist. Serve with Rhodes Quality Braai Relish and enjoy as a starter or a light lu...
Cheesy Cornbread Homemade and served fresh from the oven, this cheesy loaf is a winner at every family braai....
Sweet Potato Salad with Corn & Chilli A sweet potato salad with both crunch and a sweet chilli bite....
Creamy Corn Soup Comforting winter soup prepared in less than 30 minutes....
Sweetcorn Bake This golden oldie still pleases family and friends to this day....
Sweetcorn Bread This delicious sweetcorn bread is the perfect accompaniment to your next braai....

Cream Style Sweetcorn

Quality vegetables rich in flavour.


At Rhodes Quality we love adding great taste to your life. That’s why we use quality vegetables that are rich in flavour. Our entire range of canned vegetables also comes with easy-open lids and can be stored in the cupboard, because we like keeping things easy for you.
Be spoiled for choice with corn, chakalaka, mixed veg, peas, spaghetti in tomato sauce and so much more!

cream style sweetcorn

Typical Nutritional Information (As Packed)
Average Values Per 100 g Per 125 ml Serving
Energy (kJ) 225 288
Protein (g) 1.2 1.5
Glycaemic Carbohydrates (g) 10 13
of which total sugar (g) 5.6 7.2
Total fat (g) 0.7 0.9
of which saturated fatty acids (g) 0.2 0.2
*Dietary fibre (g) 1.1 1.4
Sodium (mg) 193 247
*Ready to eat product analysed using AOAC 991.43 method

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