On the first of October every year the world celebrates World Vegetarian Day!
Originally established to bring awareness to the ethical, health, environmental, and humanitarian benefits of the lifestyle – and now to celebrate delicious food that never needed meat to be easy, wholesome and filling!
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Cook up some meat-free magic

Braised Spinach (Morogo) with Tomato and Peanuts
It’s easy to eat your greens when they’re prepared this well!
This simple recipe that heroes traditional morogo, kale or leafy African spinach comes together nicely in a delicious and nourishing side dish.

Baked Feta and Tomato Penne Pasta
The best vegetarian recipes are always generous with creamy flavour.
Prepare this easy twist on the now famous TikTok pasta recipe to surprise and delight your hungry dinner guests.

Spanish Rice and Beans
When you add rice to beans you get a meal that’s packed to the brim with protein!
Give this budget-friendly Spanish-style rice dish a try next time you feel like eating but don’t really feel like cooking.